Vintage Style • Exhibitions & Shows

Do you want to get the look Gloria Vanderbilt has in the September edition of Vogue?

2 September, 2015

We’re back from holidays with very beautiful good news… We’ve just known the September edition of the magazine Vogue brings this amazing article…

Thanks to Belen Antolin and Miguel Reveriego’s camera, Gloria Vanderbilt’s beauty join us in a walk through a peacefull and green countryside.

Gloria Vanderbilt wears an elegant shape tight with flounces, laces and lace edgings. And on top of all that, the Vintage By Lopez-Linares’ accesories that make her look even more brilliant…


Our pearls, cameos, bracelets, rings and necklaces finish the most elegant and sophisticated look that reminds us of those old ladies from the 20th century high society.

You can find all this jewelry in our online store. If you are looking for a different look, this selection of jewelry will help you for sure.

Don’t miss the chance to visit this special selection showed in the article. In order to make it easier for you, here’s an exclusive list of those jewels appearing in the article. Just click over each link to access any of them!


Pearl necklace and cameo

Pearl necklace and Swarovski crystal

Pearl necklace

Pearls and silver earrings

Golden silver and pearls earrings

Golden silver and half pearl earrings





@Belén Antolín


@Miguel Reveriego

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