Those little things…

16 January, 2013
Those little things… Small details that are capable of brightening my day and topping up my excitement. Stories that coincidentally reach my hands. (...)

Charlon Heston

15 January, 2013
Icon Tuesday, star tuesday, Tuesday for Charlon Heston… High-minded man, so manly, and for me a classic beauty but a bit tormented. Main character (...)

Katharine Hepburn

12 January, 2013
Katharine Hepburn , our first femenin Icon of 2013. Elegant, femenin, stubborn , and with a very unusual style. I would say that even a little bit ungaily. (...)

Clark Gable

3 January, 2013
Our first icon of 2013: Clark Gable He was a truck driver before an actor. Nicknamed as ¨The king of Hollywood¨, seducer, masculine and charismatic. (...)

Greta Garbo

27 December, 2012
This Christmas week our icon is Greta Garbo. With a icy beauty as the winter of her birth Sweden,Greta Lovisa Gustafsson was an hypersensitive and tormented (...)

Gary Cooper

18 December, 2012
Tuesday of icon, today Gary Cooper! With an innate elegance because of his exquisite British education. Brave and honest man. A seducer with a fascinating (...)

Chiti Chiti Bang Bang

16 December, 2012
If there is one film that continues to excite me and that I always look forward to seeing over Christmas (as I think they repeat it every year) it is “ChittyChittyBangBang”. (...)