Marylin Monroe

13 November, 2012
Our vintage icon goes today to Marylin! Norma Jean Baker not only became a sex symbol of the 1950s thanks to his Hollywood films, she is one of those icons (...)

The Pramotor

12 November, 2012
The amount of curious things that one can find whilst surfing the internet one afternoon is incredible. The other day, without even having to go anywhere, (...)

Elvis Presley

6 November, 2012

Vintage Bonfire Night

5 November, 2012
  Tonight Great Britain celebrates the ¨Bonfire Night”. It is a tradition from the XVII. In 1605 Guy Fawkes being so frustrated because of (...)

Audrey Hepburn

31 October, 2012
Daring, innocent, elegant, and at the same time extremely sophisticated. Audrey Hepburn.  She is our icon this Tuesday, and will always be known as “Sabrina”. (...)

100 weeks of Icons!

23 October, 2012
One Vintage icon a week. 100 characters who have managed to become inspirations for artists, designers and photographers through their image, personal (...)

Vintage online shop

18 October, 2012
At last!! Today is a very special day for all of us. After nearly nine months of work, and many eyes, hands and heads looking, readjusting and checking (...)