Vintage People • Vintage Friends

Sarah Jessica Steps up to the Task

3 May, 2012

Today S Moda has been brought out, the new weekly magazine that accompanies the newspaper ‘EL PAÍS’ every Saturday and conceived as a publication that is focused principally on the female public. It is edited by Condé Nast (editor of high-end magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair or Glamour) and ‘EL PAÍS’ editions, it will be directed by Oscar Becerra and the editorial management will be headed by Empar Prieto.

Once you have it in your hands, you will become aware of the journalistic quality and the new publication’s careful photographic editing, which is born with declarations of intentions such as: “To understand fashion as a way of seeing things, with all the social and cultural richness that it is capable of transmitting, and as a live thermometer of our time”. It will be easy to be able to connect directly with its readers, and we are sure that it will successfully become a benchmark in all the beauty, fashion, travel, decoration and cinema trends…

We have experienced this birth in real life thanks to the inestimable collaboration with Isabel Moralejo, stylist and fashion director of S Moda.

Isabel’s work is impressive! I leave you here a link to her website; it is truly worth having a look at:

Isabel Moralejo

Isabel came to see us in August, whilst looking for some typical Spanish pieces for a style they were preparing in New York. Our surprise was enormous when we found out that the styling was for S Moda’s launch, and with Sarah Jessica Parker her very self as the front cover’s protagonist of the inaugural number.

Since that day, we have been dreaming about this moment, to see the published images and Sarah sporting the Spanish attire.

From our space we want to give our thanks to Isabel Moralejo, for the opportunity that she presented us with to participate in the staging of this new and promising fashion and beauty publication.

It has been an honour for Vintage By López-Linares’ whole team to have collaborated with S Moda.



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