With N for: “Nacre

16 September, 2014
The nacre (also called mother of pearl) is the internal layer of the mollusc’s shells. The seashells with the most beautiful nacre are the haliotidae (...)

Cartier: Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Brilliant Historic Jewelry

11 September, 2014
Today I bring to you one of those exhibits that you’ll easily retain in your mind forever. The fineness and beauty of a Cartier’s historic jewel, being (...)

The Boticelli’s Venus and the brooch in her neckline

9 September, 2014
London National Gallery. Sandro Boticelli (1445-1510) Venus and Mars was painted around 1483 by one of the most important artists of the Renaissance; Sandro (...)

Bruges City in a fairy tale

4 September, 2014
Its name comes from the Flemish term “brugge” which means “bridges”, in plural, since there are many of them completing the appearance of this (...)

The neutral Gursky

Gursky, with his neutral and straightforward way of looking at the world, at the current society, has been our photographer protagonist to reproduce in (...)

With M: Miniature

2 September, 2014
It seems the name comes from the word “mimium” (red lead oxide), a substance used as a component to make the ink for the illustrations in the old codex. (...)

Back to work… With new vintage projects!

31 August, 2014
Here we are again. We’ve just come back from our holidays with many ideas and thoughts to make this new season very appealing for you. We really hope (...)