“P” for “Peineta” or Spanish Haircomb

14 October, 2014
A “peineta” (the Spanish term for “haircomb”) is a female accesory similar to a comb with a convex boday linked to an area plenty of teeth. This (...)

The Frigate “Mercedes”: The injustice of the 19th Century… And the pillaging of the 21st

9 October, 2014
The Frigate “Mercedes” has finally arrived to port… To a free exhibition that your kids will love. So if you plan coming to Madrid in October, don’t (...)

With O: Object d’Art or Bibelot

30 September, 2014
An “Object of Art” is a small high quality decorative ítem, very valued by collectors. They are pieces often made in reach materials like gold, silver, (...)

With N for: “Nacre

16 September, 2014
The nacre (also called mother of pearl) is the internal layer of the mollusc’s shells. The seashells with the most beautiful nacre are the haliotidae (...)

Cartier: Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Brilliant Historic Jewelry

11 September, 2014
Today I bring to you one of those exhibits that you’ll easily retain in your mind forever. The fineness and beauty of a Cartier’s historic jewel, being (...)

The neutral Gursky

4 September, 2014
Gursky, with his neutral and straightforward way of looking at the world, at the current society, has been our photographer protagonist to reproduce in (...)

With M: Miniature

2 September, 2014
It seems the name comes from the word “mimium” (red lead oxide), a substance used as a component to make the ink for the illustrations in the old codex. (...)

Back to work… With new vintage projects!

31 August, 2014
Here we are again. We’ve just come back from our holidays with many ideas and thoughts to make this new season very appealing for you. We really hope (...)

Richard Avedon

31 July, 2014
One more month with my project “The Magic Lens”. Time passes by so quickly! Our protagonist this month has been my friend Araceli Calabuig who chose (...)

Over two centuries of bridal fashion

22 July, 2014
Let me give you today a very special recommended plan: an exhibition that was opened last March at the Victorian and Albert Museum in London. Among its (...)